20 April | EVERYONE


“And the temple which I build will be great, for our God is greater than all gods. But who is able to build Him a temple, since heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him? Who am I then, that I should build Him a temple, except to burn sacrifice before Him?” 2 Chronicles 2:5-6

Beyond what the eye can see, beyond the farthest constellations, far beyond what the human mind can imagine, is God. His nature is incomprehensible; His love is indescribable; His presence dominates the heavens and the Earth. How, then, could He dwell in the temple that Solomon intended to build for Him? The king was aware that he would be unable to build a house for God when the heavens of heavens could not contain Him. But the temple was necessary.

For Israel, the sanctuary was not just an aspect of their life, but life itself. The daily life of the Israelites revolved around the sanctuary. When someone sinned, they turned to it for forgiveness; if they felt discouraged or defeated, they would run there for strength; if someone needed advice to make a decision, that is where they found wisdom. And the sanctuary was open to all, including foreigners living in Israel.

And why the sanctuary? Because, although God was not limited to four walls, it was there, specifically in the holy of holies, that the high priest entered God's presence. Whenever the Lord desired to communicate with His people, He did so from the sanctuary.

What is the lesson we learn? That communion with God cannot be just one aspect of our life, but life itself. Everything must revolve around our close relationship with Jesus. We cannot experience religion one day a week. We need to live Christianity when we buy and sell, when we travel, work, or have fun, and when we get up and when we go to bed.

I cannot be one person in the sports field or at work and another at church.

God seeks wholeness in the hearts of His worshipers!

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God's Word insists that He cannot be contained in a human building, not even if established by God Himself. A temple in which God "dwells" is nothing more than a representation of God's longing for us to feel His presence at our side.