17 October | EVERYONE
"The next morning some Jews formed a conspiracy and bound themselves with an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul.” Acts 23: 12
Sly eyes, faces marked by resentment and hatred, and smiles that seemed more like a macabre grimace, such was the mob that came against Paul. Religious people can be very cruel and ruthless, as much or more so than non-believers. They do not listen to reasons or explanations. On that day as the account goes, "some Jews formed a conspiracy."
The verb 'conspire' means to plot, confabulate, collude, and secretly plan sordid and malevolent actions. An attitude typical of people without many scruples. In the case of the people who conspired to kill the apostle, they were believers. How paradoxical!
The implicit message in this story is that, in many circumstances, religion can be used as a disguise for the true nature of people who have not had a personal encounter with Christ. It is possible to use religious rites as a "holy" means for evil plans. In the present case, they decided to fast until they had killed Paul.
Fasting before trying to take someone’s life? Committing atrocities in the name of God?
This message is not for others. It is something I need to think about. To what extent am I just a "religious" person? Am I really a Christian transformed by Jesus?
The story ends by presenting God's wonderful intervention to save Paul's life. God never abandons His children. Circumstances can be the direst and unsettling, but the Lord watches over those who love Him and desire to serve Him.
Take Action
Spend some quality time today asking yourself if your spiritual experience is well grounded in Jesus or if it only consists of formalities. It will help you discern whether your emphasis is on things to do or not do, or on your close relationship with God.