31 December | EVERYONE
«Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.» Revelation 22: 7
The life of that old man with white hair and deep wrinkles was extinguished like a candle worn out by time. He knew it. So did his children and grandchildren who, on that dreary evening, surrounded the bed of the man who had loved them and inspired them in good times and bad. “I ask only one thing of you,” said the old man, his voice cracked by the years, “do not allow anything or anyone to quench in your hearts the hope of seeing us again when the trumpet sounds on the occasion of the second coming of Christ.” And his eyes closed, leaving in the family the living flame of hope.
Christians’ hope is not simply the wish for something good to happen. It is the certainty of the fulfillment of God’s promise. “An understanding of the hope of Christ’s second coming is the key that unlocks all the history that follows, and explains all the future lessons” (Ellen G. White, Evangelism, p. 220).
Jesus one day said, “I am coming quickly,” and He will come. The heavens will open to make way for the King of kings and Lord of lords. Millions of angels will accompany Him, and the Lord will return to Earth with power and glory.
I know that, from a human perspective, it seems that Jesus forgot His promise. Many people think of the coming of Christ as a utopia manufactured by the fantasy of naïve people. But when we look at the world around us — earthquakes, tsunamis, wars, rumors of wars — when we see conflicts in the social and political world, when we see the emptiness of the human heart and the incoherence of their intentions to find meaning in life, we have no doubt that Jesus is coming soon.
On that day, men and women who died in Christ will rise again to see the Lord reclaim His inheritance. On that day, those who are not prepared for His coming will run to the mountains and rocks to hide from the presence of Jesus.
Take Action
Jesus is coming soon, keep that prophecy in your heart! In other words, treasure it. But, for something like that to be real, you first need to desire His coming. Which in turn requires knowing and loving the One who comes. Connect with Jesus today too! Sing “Come, Lord Jesus!” (if possible, with your family).