2 March | EVERYONE


“As soon as the soles of the feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that come down from upstream, and they shall stand as a heap.” Joshua 3:13

Miracles cannot be explained. They are accepted! The crossing of the Jordan is the second divine miracle in which the waters parted. The first was when Israel left Egypt and came to the Red Sea, and the second was when the people reached the borders of the Promised Land. The exit from slavery and the entry into the land of dreams were acts of grace. There was no human initiative. The people only advanced by faith.

The priests carried the ark, which represented the presence of God, and when the soles of their feet stepped on the water, the impossible happened. The waters of the Jordan, which came from upstream, stopped and formed a wall, allowing the people to cross to the other side of the river.

Miracles only happen when God goes ahead, leading the lives of His children. That scene was a dazzling event and would forever be etched in the lives of the Israelites and God's people throughout history.

What is the Jordan River in your life that scares you? What challenge do you have in front of you? God's children need not be afraid. We walk through the wilderness of this world, it is true. How many times are we on the verge of achieving our dreams and suddenly the raging waters of the Jordans of this life arise, giving us the impression that the dream ended at that point.

But that does not have to be your case. Trust in God! Let your Lord go forward, put your feet in the waters of the river, and prepare yourself for the great miracles of victory that the Lord is willing to work in you and through you.

Take Action

When you experience a situation that you dislike, do not forget that it will pass. And that everything will end well. Trust God in the face of the problem or challenge you must face. And then, face it!