1 May | Kids

A Great Feast!

«Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved.» Nehemiah 8:11

It took Nehemiah and his team almost two months to finish rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem.

Everyone was happy! Ezra brought the book of the law, which explained how they were to act as God’s special people. The people wept as they listened to the reading because they had done many wrong things. But they were regretful, and God had forgiven them. They should be happy!

The next day, Nehemiah and Ezra organized a great feast of gratitude to God, called the Feast of Tabernacles.

All those who had returned from the Persian kingdom built tents with branches of palm trees, olive trees and other trees. Every day Ezra would read the book of the law. The feast lasted seven days and everyone was joyful to be back in their land. They promised to be obedient to God.

Let’s practice!

Build a tent with tree branches.