16 May | Kids
«The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.» Psalm 23:1
Psalm 23 was written by David. Do you remember what David did when he was a young man? He took care of his father’s flock of sheep.
David thought of the Lord as the best Shepherd during the days that he spent taking the mom and dad sheep along with their little lambs to graze in green pastures, to quench their thirst on the stream that came from the rocks, and to rest on the cool shade of some trees.
The Lord takes care of us just as a loving shepherd takes care of his sheep.
Sometimes sheep go through difficult places, full of thorns and wild animals. But they feel safe when the shepherd is there. You don’t have to be afraid either. The presence of the Great Shepherd, the Lord, fills us with goodness, love and joy.
How good it is to know that He loves us! One day, we will be with our Shepherd forever!
Let’s practice!
You are a very special little lamb of the Good Shepherd Jesus. Draw a lamb and glue cotton to the drawing to make it more beautiful.