24 June | Kids

The Rose and the Lily

«I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.» Song of Solomon 2:1

Do you like flowers? I love flowers and have several vases at home.

I want to tell you about two flowers. The rose of Sharon is a flower that can be seen in Israel, near the sea. It is not exactly a rose and does not belong to the rose family. Some call it a Syrian hibiscus and mimosa. Its flowers can be white, pink, violet, and purple. It is widely used to decorate gardens and produces flowers all year round.

The lily of the valley is native to Europe and is a favorite plant for decorating gardens, vases, and weddings. This flower is easy to care for, and it doesn’t need fertilizer to look beautiful. Just water it all the time and it will bloom beautifully.

Solomon praised his bride and called her a rose of Sharon and lily of the valley. And Jesus is also called a rose of Sharon and lily of the valley, because of His great love and grace that brought beauty to this sinful world.

Let’s practice!

Thank Jesus for coming to die for all of us. Draw a beautiful flower and color it using your favorite color.