29 June | Kids

Where Did Evil Come From?

«How you are fallen from heaven, o Lucifer, son of the morning!» Isaiah 14:12

Did you wake up today after sleeping well on your bed? Did you eat your breakfast? Did you eat some fruit, bread, and a nice cake that your mom made for you? Did you know that while you were eating, there were children starving because they had nothing to eat? There are evil mothers and fathers who hurt their children, call them ugly names, and make them suffer a lot.

Why does this happen? God didn’t create the world like this!

Before the creation of the world, God had created a beautiful angel of light named Lucifer. He was a very intelligent musician and was loved by the other angels.

But Lucifer started to be jealous of Jesus. He wanted to be like God. And he began to tell lies about God to the other angels. God called him, counseled him patiently, but he would not change. After a long time, he had become Satan and was cast out of heaven with those who had chosen to follow him.

Then he decided to do everything to destroy God’s children. He brought sin, death, hunger, suffering and disease to the world.

Let’s practice!

Pray to God: “Dear God, keep Satan far away from me! In Jesus’s name, amen!”