15 July | Kids

Glory To God!

«Thus says the Lord: Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his mighty, nor let the rich man glory in his riches.» Jeremiah 9:23

Aliyah lived in a beautiful house. She had many toys and nice clothes. When her friend Liam came to her house to play, she said: “My toy is nicer than yours.” Liam was sad and didn’t want to play with her anymore.

Another day she met Natty and said: “Look at my clothes, they are beautiful! They are prettier than yours! I am better than you.” Natty was sad and did not want to be friends with Aliyah.

At church, Aliyah would tell her classmates that her house was prettier than theirs.

Aliyah was proud. So, her friends wanted to stay away from her.

Children who love God do not despise others. Children who love God are grateful because God is the One who has given them everything they have.

Let’s practice!

Ask your mom for help to make a list of five gifts that God has given you. Then say “Praise God” after mentioning each one.