8 August | Kids

Be Converted

«O Israel, return to the Lord your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity.» Hosea 14:1

God’s people were in captivity because they were disobedient. Do you remember this? They knew that it was because of their choices that they had become slaves. So, they should have learned their lesson and became obedient, don’t you think?

But that’s not what happened! Even though they suffered in captivity, the people didn’t care to change the way they lived. They worshiped the strange gods of the Babylonians. If they continued disobeying God, they would suffer even longer.

What a shame! If they repented, God would soon save them. But they were very stubborn people! It seems that they never learned to be obedient!

Let’s practice!

Pray: “Dear God, help me not to be like these stubborn people! I want to be obedient! In Jesus’ name, amen!”