15 August | Kids

The House Of Bread

«But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, [...] yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel.» Micah 5:2

Do you like bread? When I was a child, my mother baked bread. Sometimes, she would give me a piece of dough so I could make my own little rolls. After the dough had risen, she would place the baking pans with the loaves inside the oven to bake. Hmm, the smell of bread baking was so delicious!

Do you remember the name of the town where Jesus was born? Bethlehem. The name Bethlehem means “house of bread.”

Jesus once said that He was the living bread that had come down from Heaven. He said this so that people would understand that, besides the food we should eat every day, there is a food for the heart that is represented by the friendship with Jesus.

Jesus is our Bread from Heaven. Eating this Bread means talking with Jesus every day. When we eat this Bread, we have joy, love and kindness in our heart. Do you feed yourself with this Bread every day?

Let’s practice!

Draw a beautiful loaf of bread and write the name of Jesus on it.