28 January | Kids

A Tent For God

«And let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them.» Exodus 25:8

How God loved the people whom He had brought out of slavery! He made great promises to them!

After giving them the commandments and the laws, He wanted them to be sure that He would be with them every day.

But they could not see Him. So, God directed Moses to build a tent-like house for Him in the middle of the camp. That way, they could transport it with them each time they moved and set it up again in the new location.

With joy, the people brought offerings for the construction: gold, silver, bronze, jewelry, spices, fine fabrics and animal skins.

And the construction began!

A few months later, the house of God was ready and was called the Sanctuary. Inside, there was the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. Outside, there was the courtyard. Everything there was special and indicated God’s love for them!

Let’s practice!

Talk with your mom and dad about the most special little animal that was used in the Sanctuary and what it should look like.