21 October | Kids

The Just And The Faith

«Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.» Romans 5:1

You have already seen that Paul had been transformed from a bad and wrong man to a good and right man. Only God can do this miracle in the lives of people.

Do you know how this happens? God is good; He is just. Being just means that God makes things completely right. He doesn’t do a single bit wrong. When people accept to be friends with Jesus, they have faith in Him.

What does it mean to have faith in Jesus? It means to say: “Jesus, I want to be Your friend. I know I don’t have a good heart! I am selfish! But You died for me, and I trust that You can clean my heart. I want to be Your friend every day, and I want to be like You!”

So, people who are friends with Jesus walk so closely with Him that they end up looking like Jesus; they become good and righteous just like Him.

Let’s practice!

Do you want to have faith in Jesus and be righteous too? Pray: “Dear God, help me to have faith in the Lord and be like Jesus!”