11 December | Kids

Get Ready

«But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat, and the earth and its works that are in it will be burned up.» 2 Peter 3:10

Have you heard many times that Jesus is coming back? It seems like He is taking a while, doesn’t it? But He has promised that He will return, and He will keep His promise.

What do you need to do to wait for Jesus? You need to stay alert and prepare yourself by being a friend of Jesus every day, listening to the stories of the Bible and becoming more and more like Him.

The Bible says that Jesus will come as a thief. What does this mean? Oh, a thief doesn’t send a message to a person to warn that on such and such day he will rob his house, does he? So, no one knows what day or time Jesus will come.

Whoever isn’t prepared to receive Jesus will be frightened. Do you remember the story of Noah? He preached for 120 years warning that the flood was coming. Many laughed at him and said he was crazy. Noah entered the ark with his family and the door was closed. When the rain started, the people outside got scared. They began to knock for Noah to open the door. It was too late. They were all lost in the huge sea.

This is how it will be when Jesus returns. Whoever is unprepared will not go to Heaven. Do you want to be prepared when Jesus comes back?

Let’s practice!

Draw you and your family waiting for Jesus to come back.