4 February | Kids

Why Should We Not Eat Pork?

«…and the swine, though it divides the hoof, having cloven hooves, yet does not chew the cud, is unclean to you.» Leviticus 11:7

When God created man, He gave him healthy foods to eat: fruit, vegetables and grains. Even after sin, people lived many years. Methuselah lived 969 years! Wow!

After the flood, there was no food for Noah and his family to eat, because everything had been destroyed. So, God allowed them to eat meat. But even then, God gave some guidelines so that they would only eat some animals, those that were clean.

A clean animal must ruminate or chew the cud, like a cow, and have its hooves split in two. From the rivers and seas, we should only eat those animals that have scales and fins.

The pig is an animal that is not among those that are clean. There are many studies that show its meat is harmful to health.

God is wise! Everything we eat affects our blood and feeds our brain, through which God speaks to us. We need to take care of our health so as not to hinder the communication between God and us.

Let’s practice!

Ask your mom or dad to explain to you how clean animals ruminate their food.