21 December | Kids

Do You Like To Hear Stories?

«Blessed is he who reads, and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.» Revelation 1:3

Did you know that when six-month-old babies hear stories read by their parents several times a week, they learn to read more easily four years later?

Reading is an activity that trains the brain to function better, to think better, to solve problems. Reading makes the brain create new pathways formed by little pieces called neurons. These pathways help you think faster and be smarter.

But not all books are good. Satan knows how important reading is for the brain. He uses books to spread his lies too. That’s why you need to ask your mom and dad for help to choose only those books that speak of what is good, beautiful and right.

The book of Revelation begins by saying that he who reads, hears and keeps what is in the Word of God is happy. Do you know why? Jesus is about to come back for us, and this book teaches us everything that is going to happen and how we should prepare ourselves for that day.

Let’s practice!

What is your favorite book? What does it talk about?