15 February | Kids

Striking the Rock

«Speak to the rock before their eyes, and it will yield its water.» Numbers 20:8

Several years had passed. The people were almost reaching the promised land. Then the people began to complain, afraid that they would be thirsty. God had never forsaken them. They had always received food and water. But they were repeating something they had done many times before: complaining.

So God said to Moses: “Take a rod. Call all the people and speak to the rock before them and water will come out of the rock for the people and for the animals.”

Moses was irritated by the people’s complaints and lost his patience. God had said to speak to the rock. What did Moses do? He struck the rock twice.

Water began to abundantly pour out of the rock. But God was sad with Moses because he had disobeyed Him and struck the rock.

Let’s practice!

When your mom or dad tell you to do something, obey. They are in God’s place. Children who learn to obey their parents, will later obey God.