21 February | Kids

Everything Comes From God

«Beware lest you say in your heart, “My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.”» Deuteronomy 8:17 (ESV)

When God chose Israel to become a great nation, He promised that they would have health, intelligence, wealth and power. And God taught them many things from the time they left Egypt, during the long years they walked in the desert.

When they were about to enter the promised land, God wanted them to learn one more lesson! Do you know what it was? They should never think that the health, intelligence, wealth and power they had came from themselves. God is the owner of everything. He is the One who gives us everything. If it were not for God, nothing that you see around you would exist.

God is the One who gives your mom and dad health and intelligence to work and buy the things you need: your clothes, food, and your toys too.

Let’s practice!

Think of three things that you like very much. Ready? Now thank God for giving them to you!