28 February | Kids

The Bronze Serpent

«Then the Lord said to Moses, “Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live.”» Numbers 21:8

The people of Israel were getting closer to reaching the Promised Land of Canaan. They began to get impatient! They thought it was taking too long. They could have arrived already. But they themselves were to blame for the delay! They complained about everything. They criticized the food, the road, the water, Moses and even God. They were not ready to enter the new land.

And now, they were complaining once again. Suddenly something strange happened! Poisonous serpents appeared all along the way. There were many of them! They crawled along and entered the tents, the food baskets, the clothes. And whoever was bitten by them ended up dying.

They were desperate! Now what?

They recognized that they were being very rebellious and asked God for forgiveness. God asked Moses to build a bronze serpent and every person who was bitten should look at this serpent and would be healed. It was just a bronze object, but God wanted to remind them that He was the One who gave healing.

Let’s practice!

Are you complaining a lot about what your mom and dad do? Could it be that you are doing as the people of Israel did? Talk about this with your parents and then pray together.