7 March | Kids

Whom Do You Worship?

«But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.» Joshua 24:15

Joshua was already a very old man! He was 110 years old. So he called all the people together to have a serious talk with them.

It was a long talk. He recalled all the history of the people, from God’s call to Abraham and the promise to make of him a family as great as the stars. And now, many years later, they were a huge family that had started with Abraham.

God had promised to bless them very, very much! But they needed to obey God and never imitate the people who worshipped idols. Do you know why God did not want them to worship idols? Because we end up looking similar to what we worship.

Joshua told the people that they had to choose whom they would worship: the gods of wood and stone that do nothing, or the God of Heaven who had done so many miracles for them! The people promised to obey and worship God! Would they keep this promise?

After that, Joshua slept the sleep of death.

Let’s practice!

How do you worship God? Talk with your mom and dad.