16 March | Kids

The Child Samuel

«And Samuel answered, “Speak, for Your servant hears.”» 1 Samuel 3:10

Eli was a judge and priest of Israel, and he had two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. They helped during the services in the tabernacle, but they were rude and lacked reverence for God’s things. God was very sad about this.

One day, a woman named Anna came to the tabernacle. She cried a lot and prayed because she wanted to have a son. Some time after that, God gave her a little boy named Samuel!

As soon as Samuel stopped nursing, his mother took him to the tabernacle to live with Eli.

Samuel was kind, obedient and loved God.

One night, he heard someone calling him. Running, he went to Eli’s room. But Eli had not called him. Samuel heard the voice twice more! It was God! And he answered: “Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.”

God gave Samuel important messages to convey to Eli, even though he was just a child.

Let’s practice!

God also calls children to speak of Him to others. What would you do if God called you?