3 April | Kids

Evil King Jeroboam

«And tore the kingdom away from the house of David and gave it to you; and yet you have not been as My servant David.» 1 Kings 14:8

After Solomon’s death, the kingdom was divided. His son Rehoboam only reigned over two tribes of Israel. One of his servants named Jeroboam reigned over ten tribes.

But Jeroboam was disobedient to God from the start. He worshiped idols and built idols for the people to worship. God sent prophets to warn him that he should stop doing those things, and that disobedience brings bad consequences. But he didn’t listen.

One day, the king’s son fell ill. The queen disguised herself and went to the prophet Ahijah to find out what would happen to her son. As soon as he heard the queen’s footsteps, the prophet recognized her and sent a message to Jeroboam: “God is not pleased with the wrong things you are doing. Your descendants will end up losing the reign.” And as soon as the queen entered the palace, her son died.

Let’s practice!

Draw God’s face saddened by the disobedience of the king.