14 January | Teens


«I am with you and I will keep you wherever you go.» Genesis 28:15

Do you remember what you dreamed last night? And have you ever had a dream that seemed so real that when you woke up, you could still remember every detail? Jacob, one of Isaac’s sons, had such a dream. He was running away from his brother Esau, with whom he had had a huge fight because of his father’s blessing. During his escape, Jacob stopped to rest and had a dream where he saw a ladder going from Earth to Heaven, with angels ascending and descending on it. At the top of the ladder was God, who spoke to Jacob and renewed the promises made to Abraham and Isaac.

This dream was super special to Jacob, especially since he was feeling alone and afraid. This ladder sym-bolized the connection between Heaven and Earth, and the angels showed that God was watching over Jacob. This demonstrated that God was very close to Jacob, even though he could not see Him.

That is to say that when we pray, it is as if we are climbing this special ladder and speaking directly to God, who is up there in Heaven watching over us. So, remember, whenever you feel lonely or need help, God is just a prayer away, it is like we were climbing the ladder of Jacob’s dream to talk to Him.

Take Action

Build a “ladder of blessings”! Use ice cream sticks, cardboard, or whatever material you have at home to create a small ladder. On each step, write in a few words a blessing you have already received. Leave room to add more steps as you recognize new blessings in your life!