25 May | Teens
«Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.» Psalm 51: 10
Have you ever felt bad about doing something wrong? We all make mistakes, but what's important is how we deal with them. In Psalm 51, King David asks God for a pure heart: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.” He asked for this because he had made a big mistake and knew he needed God's help to change.
David didn't just want an “excuse” from God. He wanted and asked God to change his heart and his attitudes. This is super important! Asking for forgiveness is the first step, but we also need the desire to be different, to be better. And for that, we need God's help to change our hearts. Like David, we can ask, “Make me willing to obey you.” (NLT).
Take Action
Create a “pure heart box” using a shoebox or any other small box. Decorate it as you like. Inside it, put pieces of paper with things you'd like to improve about yourself, such as being more patient, kind, or honest. Whenever you see that you have managed to improve in any of these aspects, remove the corresponding paper from the box. This will be a visual reminder of your progress in having a purer heart that is pleasing to God.