21 August | Teens
«So he answered and said to me: “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ Says the Lord of hosts.» Zechariah 4:6
As Christians, we worship one God, but that God is made up of three different people. How to understand this? Let's use an apple as an example. Look at it: it has a skin, the core and the seeds. It's three parts of the same apple. Although it is a simplified way of explaining the Trinity, it helps to make the concept more didactic. There is God the Father, who is in Heaven, planning how every person on earth can be saved. We have Jesus, the Son, who is interceding for us. And finally, we have the Holy Spirit, who is the God who is with us here on earth every day. Notice that the difference between them is functional, that is, each one has a specific function.
In the Bible, in Zechariah 4:6, God teaches us an important lesson: it is not by our strength or power that we can do great things, but rather by the power of the Holy Spirit. This means that, when we have a challenge or a big dream, we shouldn't just rely on ourselves. We can ask for the help of the Holy Spirit, who is always ready to guide us, give us strength and help us understand God better. The Holy Spirit is like an invisible friend who is always by our side, encouraging us, comforting us and helping us to do what is right.
Take Action
To remember that the Holy Spirit is always with you, learn how to make an origami dove (paper folding), which is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Once ready, place your origami dove in a special place where you can see it every day. This will help you remember that it is not by your strength but by the Spirit of God that you can do great things.