23 August | Teens


«And one will say to him, ‘What are these wounds between your [a]arms?’ Then he will answer, ‘Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.’» Zechariah 13: 6

Have you ever been injured playing and left with a scar? Sometimes, these little marks tell stories, don't they? The Bible talks about some very special marks that Jesus has, which also tell the most important story that ever lived. In Zechariah 13:6, a very intriguing verse, someone asks, “What are these wounds on your hands?” And the answer is about someone who was injured at their friend's house.

This text would be a prophecy, which would portray the wounds at Jesus' hands as a symbol of how much He loves us and what He was willing to do for us. Jesus, even though He was God, came into the world as a person, lived here, and these marks on His hands are proof of His gigantic love. He accepted to be wounded so that we could be healed of all our pains, mistakes and sorrows.

Jesus, as eternal as He is, will bear in His hands and feet the marks of the cross for all eternity. When we finally meet Jesus in person, we will see these marks, and Zechariah's verse will be perfectly fulfilled when we ask, “What are these wounds on your hands?”

Take Action

How about making a card for someone who is going through a difficult time? In it, you can draw a heart, paste clippings from magazines and write a message saying that, just as Jesus has already shown all His love for us, you also want to share some of that love with this person. This can help heal emotional, and why not, physical wounds, bringing hope that we are not alone.