26 January | Teens
«If a man steals an ox or a sheep, and slaughters it or sells it, he shall restore five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep. » Genesis 22: 1
To understand why God established so many laws, we need to go back in time and remember the context in which the people of Israel found themselves. They had been slaves in Egypt for more than 400 years, living under rules, traditions and customs that were not their own. When God delivered them, He wanted to make sure they knew how to live in a way that was pleasing to Him and fair among them.
These laws were like the rules we have at home or at school, which help us to live together in a harmonious and respectful way. Imagine if there wasn't a designated place to put the laundry. We'd have piles of stinky clothes all over the house! Yuck! Without clear rules, our house would become chaos! In the same way, the God-given laws guided the people on what was right and wrong, teaching them to take care of each other, their possessions and properties. And, most importantly, they taught the people how to have a respectful relationship with God and others, ensuring that everyone had what they needed, lived harmoniously and was treated fairly.
As boring as it may seem to follow the laws, it was not just a matter of obedience, but rather a path to a safe and blessed life. In these laws, mutual respect and care for others are fundamental. So, if there are laws and rules in your home, remember to follow them, as they exist for your good!
Take Action
Make a list of rules that you think are important to keep your home or classroom in order and happy. Then share how these rules help everyone get along and live righteously together, just as God's laws helped the people of Israel.