20 September | Teens


«For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? » Luke 9: 25

One day, the Dalai Lama, a religious leader, was asked what surprised him most about humanity. His answer makes us think: “People lose their health to save money, then lose money to regain their health.” There are many people who spend their lives working hard to buy better, more modern and more comfortable things. However, they often reach the end of their journey without having really enjoyed what they acquired. It is in this context that Jesus presents us with a profound and transformative reflection that is in line with the famous phrase we started our devotional with: what's the point of having all the best if we end up losing what's really valuable?

Jesus' question invites us to reflect on our true priorities. In our race to achieve success and material comfort, we often forget what is essential. Jesus reminds us that accumulating wealth and possessions is not the ultimate goal in life. We often run so fast to satisfy momentary desires that we forget what is eternally important, that which will last forever!

That's why Jesus' invitation is for us to prioritize the things of God, those that are not lost over time and cannot be bought. He wants our lives not to be measured by the amount of possessions we accumulate, but by the richness of our relationship with Him and with others. That is what is truly valuable!

Take Action

Take a piece of fruit and put it in a place where you can observe it every day. See how it changes over time, rotting and falling apart. This transformation is a visual reminder that the things of this world don't last forever, unlike the things of God!