24 September | Teens


«And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.» Luke 19: 5

Climbing trees is one of the most fun things about childhood, isn’t it? We feel closer to the sky, touching the leaves and even eating fruit straight from the tree. Zacchaeus was a grown man who was a tax col-lector, and many people did not like him because they thought he was not a good person, but he did not let the fear of being too heavy stop him from having his own adventure in a tree. He really wanted to see Jesus, so he found a creative way to do it: he climbed a sycamore tree!

When Jesus saw Zacchaeus up there, He did something incredible: He invited Himself to stay at his house. That is right, Jesus wanted to visit Zacchaeus! This moment shows us a very special truth: when we make an effort to be closer to Jesus, as Zacchaeus did, Jesus also does His part. He wants to be with us, to come into our homes and into our lives, but we need to open the door and invite Him.

Jesus’s visit to Zacchaeus’s home is a reminder that He has come for everyone, especially for those who feel they do not deserve His presence. And like Zacchaeus, we can have our lives transformed by the love and grace of Jesus if only we invite Him in.

Take Action

This weekend, find a safe tree to climb. From above, retell the story of Zacchaeus, feeling what it is like to be closer to heaven, just as he did to see Jesus.