8 January | Youth

Signs of Surrender

«So they gave Jacob all the foreign gods which were in their hands, and the earrings which were in their ears.» Genesis 35:4

Magnólia’s mother was a Christian, but she had never read in the Bible how to consecrate herself to God in the different areas of her life nor how to express this to Him in the form of gratitude. One day, she went to church before the service. She knelt before the altar and joined her hands in prayer. She then felt she was in God’s presence. Then she looked at her hands and, disappointed with herself, decided that from now on, she would no longer wear those rings or paint her nails red. Unless the Bible is wrong, she was not the only one to do this, nor the first.

The Israelites who left Egypt at the time of Moses, already well adapted to that pagan culture, had to relearn how to be free and act as the nation chosen by God. Then the challenge of reconsecration arose. They had left Egypt, now Egypt had to leave them. God wanted to lead them just as He did with Jacob when he returned home after a long pilgrimage. “They came, both men and women, as many as had a willing heart, and brought earrings and nose rings, rings and necklaces, all jewelry of gold, that is, every man who made an offering of gold to the Lord” (Exodus 35:22).

As a Christian, you will discover that nothing you surrender to Him will ever be enough; neither gold, nor silver; not even your heart. And God knows that. So what? God loves you. He knows how much you have grown since leaving Egypt. He also knows how much your heart is still there, despite everything.

Regardless, He finds valuable every little gift you make to Him.

Obviously, value is not in the thing itself, as our gifts cannot further enrich the One who is already the owner of the Universe. The value is in the meaning, in the symbol. It is like the coin offered by the poor widow; like the faith expressed by Abraham and the attitude of Jacob – even imperfect, they inspire us to place on the altar of the Lord what we have and are.

No matter how much they question you regarding your specific way of loving God. This fragile and wavering love will lead you to a unique experience in your relationship with Him. This will not increase your merit before Heaven, but it will sharpen your sensitivity to God’s voice.

When you hear this voice today, decide to give the Lord what He asks. This is how He will bless others as He blesses you.