26 April | Youth

Art In War

«Now when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated.» 2 Chronicles 20:22

In the 4 century BC, Chinese general and philosopher Sun Tzu authored a book on military strategy that still today is considered a literary classic. The book The Art of War is a true manual for conflicts and has been used over the centuries by generals, politicians, executives and ordinary people who wish to improve their leadership skills. This war treaty has thirteen chapters and in each one distinct aspects of war strategy are covered. One of the book's famous phrases is: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” This concept reminds me of the incredible battle described in 2 Chronicles 20.

In the days of King Jehoshaphat, several nations came together to wage war against the kingdom of Judah. Upon learning of the enemies' attacks, Jehoshaphat felt afraid, but he did not lose faith in the Lord of Hosts. He began to pray and fast, in a personal “battle” with God.

The leader's example infected the entire people. In response to this revival, the Holy Spirit sent the following response: “For the battle is not yours, but God’s […]. You will not have to fight this battle” (vs. 15, 17).

The most surprising thing about the story is that Jehoshaphat used a completely unusual war strategy, which not even Sun Tzu would dream of applying. Instead of placing strong soldiers in the front platoon, he had a men's choir to lead the way and sing: “Give thanks to the Lord, for his love endures forever” (v. 21). By using art in war, Jehoshaphat allowed God to fulfill the promise of winning in His people's place. On that day, the Lord prepared ambushes for the enemies who, to the sound of music, were defeated by their own armies.

When dealing with life's battles, try to have more trust in God. Pray more. Praise more. The believer does not praise to win wars, but to celebrate the victory guaranteed by the General.

With God, the saved sing victory before the end of the battle. So, remember today that your fight belongs to the Lord. If you are with Him, victory is already certain. You just need to praise.