12 January | Youth


«Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold, a virgin; no man had known her. And she went down to the well, filled her pitcher, and came up.» Genesis 24:16

In the world we live in, youth and purity seem to be on opposite sides. This is a stage in life where we are bombarded with all kinds of sexual temptations. At this stage, many absorb bad values and contaminate their minds and hearts with harmful influences that will determine the course of their lives.

In the opposite direction, today’s verse presents us with the example of a pure young woman. Although Rebeca lived a long time ago, the principles of life expressed in today’s biblical text can indeed be ap-plied nowadays. Rebeca’s behavior reveals a successful education, in which values such as purity and self-control stand out.

It is possible that from an early age Rebeca’s parents taught her about the importance of waiting for the right time for certain decisions. And this was revealed in her statement about her: “Now the young woman was […] a virgin; no man had known her.”

Rebeca learned that any fruit that is picked prematurely is not sweet and healthy. It is better to wait for it to mature. Any process interrupted prematurely prevents full development. Rebeca’s beauty reflected the inner pearl she carried in her heart. External beauty did not fill her with vanity but externalized the purity of her noble character. She married as a virgin and remained faithful to her husband for the rest of her life.

Young men and women must fight against the avalanche of sensuality that is flooding the contemporary world. People seem to have lost their shame. They expose their bodies openly, send intimate photos online and believe they are living in complete freedom. This immorality is enslaving and will leave deep marks on the soul and cause countless losses for society.

We need young people who love and practice purity; a generation of young people who are willing to wait until marriage to give their virginity to their spouse. Staying pure is the greatest gift anyone can give to themselves, to God, to their family, and to the world.

Many today do not follow Rebeca’s example. If by chance the perverse wave of sensuality dragged you astray, Christ can restore your lost purity. Go to Him now in faith, ask for forgiveness and receive transformation. Be pure, whole, and happy.