3 June | Youth


«A good man deals graciously and lends; He will guide his affairs  with discretion.» Psalm 112:5

Honesty is a fundamental moral principle. It is much more than just not stealing or telling an outright lie. It is living in a righteous way. Throughout history, the honest have always received some type of honor.

There was a time when practices such as lying, stealing, and immorality were vehemently rejected by society. Thus, there was a certain equivalence between what the church preaches and social morality.

Today, however, our generation does not know how to clearly define the difference between one thing and another. Not long ago, Western society defended a Judeo-Christian ethic. Great emphasis was placed on work as a means of sustenance. Children were taught that economy should be cultivated from an early age, saving a percentage of what was received.

Today, times are different. Modern society has forced a drastic change in behavior. Advertising seeks to constantly inflame our desire to buy things. There is always some “need” before our eyes.

There is encouragement for this “need” to be satisfied at any cost. However, that is where the trap is. The temptation to seek easy gain is, without a doubt, a strategy of the devil to enslave us and make us incapable of exerting influence in favor of God’s kingdom in the world in which we live.

For all these reasons, to live honestly, it is necessary to establish a set of rules capable of helping us move forward with our heads held high. Here are some tried-and-tested tips for a better life: do not take anything that does not belong to you; do not spend more than you earn; stay away from debt; make a budget and record everything; cultivate contentment.

In all aspects of life, Christians must seek to live in a manner consistent with the faith they profess. Christianity is a lifestyle that is different from those adopted in today’s society.

If we want to be happy in this world and in the world to come, let us start here. The honest person is happy!