15 June | Youth

Rules Today, Principles Tomorrow

«A wise son heeds his father’s instruction, but a scoffer does not listen to rebuke.» Proverbs 13:1

The book of Proverbs is structured like a conversation between parents and children. The author opted for a poetic style and used the structure of parallelism, in which a statement is made in one line and then repeated in a similar way in the other. Proverbs are not popular sayings; they are lessons on how to lead a life guided by divine principles.

I wrote the following in my Bible: “Main lesson from Proverbs for me: Control your mind, your heart and your mouth, and you will be happier. Thanks, Solomon!” I did not apply all the lessons from the book in my life, but I can say that I took some more coherent steps because of its guidance.

Do you want to be a young person of principle? Pay attention to your parents' rules. The most important principles in life are elaborated, established and confirmed within the home. Those who were raised under the umbrella of wise parents were blessed with a legacy for eternity.

Parents have the right to set rules. If you do not agree with them, sit down with them and ask for their opinion. They are not listening to you? Try having them sit in front of you and suggest rules for conversation: one person speaks at a time without interruption. Remember, however, that you cannot grumble or forget who is in charge of the relationship: your parents. Have a conversation, present your arguments with respect and never rebel against them. Your parents love you and want the best for you.

It is necessary to understand that parents have the right to set the rules. Here are some of them: criteria for dating, curfew, and many other rights and duties that may vary from one home to another.

I know it is not the number of rules that bother you, but the way it is done. I can guarantee, nevertheless, that today they are rules, but tomorrow they will be principles.