17 June | Youth

So, Smile!

«A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.» Proverbs 17:22

Joy reinvigorates the body and mind. The worst disease is a sick heart. Human behavior scholars say that laughter makes life lighter and helps control pain. We can mention four reasons why this happens: 1) it distracts our attention from the problem; 2) it reduces the tension in which we find ourselves; 3) it changes our expectations; and 4) it increases the production of endorphins, which are natural pain killers.

While it is good for the soul, the act of smiling activates blood circulation and improves your sense of humor. If you are upset but still smile, you will soon be in a better mood. Smiling releases serotonin and endorphins, two substances that produce a feeling of wellbeing.

Scholars say that, when you laugh, twelve facial muscles are activated. This number doubles when we have a laugh out loud moment. It is precisely this muscular stimulus that tones the heart and gives a healthy appearance to the face.

Joy should be the sign of people of faith. We should get up every morning with a smile lighting up our face. It is a new day, and we are alive. If we are healthy, there is one more reason; and, alongside loved ones, we are blessed with plenty of reasons to smile and sing.

A Christian may go through difficulties, but nothing can take away his contentment. The converted person radiates happiness. The wise man says that “a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance” (Prov 15:13). Ellen White states that “cheerfulness and a clear conscience are better than drugs” (My Life Today, p. 177).

Jesus liked celebrations. In general, people like this like people. Joy flows naturally in festive environments. Jesus attracted children to Him. This is evidence that He smiled. Children do not like frowny people. Ask God today to find reasons to be happy. It will change your day and your life.