27 June | Youth
«Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts.» Isaiah 6:3
Holiness is God’s main attribute. Nowhere in the Bible is God repeatedly called “love, love, love” nor “everlasting, everlasting, everlasting.” We all know that He is love and eternal, but holiness is so central to God’s character that we find this characteristic emphatically repeated, as in today’s verse.
In Isaiah 6, the angels are praising in God’s presence without interruption. The prophet contemplated the holiness of God and became fully aware of his sinful condition. It is always like that. When we understand how holy God is, we realize how sinful we are. Like Isaiah, we exclaim: “Woe is me, I am undone.” Anyone who does not take the Christian life seriously does not know who God is.
In general, we think that a great sinner is someone who does terrible and shameful things such as theft, murder, and adultery. However, in the presence of God, we discover that He has no classification for sin. This is what the Bible says: “There is none righteous, no, not one” (Rom. 3:10). His glorious presence ex-poses our sinfulness. We only have the Father’s gracious mercy left.
When we see God as He is, we discover that we are not who we thought we were. But repentance allows divine restoration to take place in our lives.
God restores us, lifts us up and puts us in a new position. At the same moment, the angel descends with the ash, and guilt is removed, forgiveness is offered, and peace invades life.
Everything changes around us. The next moment, transformed by grace, you hear the voice of the Eternal God: “Whom shall I send?”
“Here I am. Send me.” This is the conversion response. Five minutes ago, there was no hope. With the touch of grace, the forgiven becomes a volunteer for the kingdom of God. “Count on me, Lord! Now I know who You are. My sin was taken away, my guilt is forgiven. I am not afraid of anything anymore. I am willing to go.” May this be your reality today!