24 January | Youth
«A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.» Proverbs 17:22
On our first trip on the Amazon River, my family and I experienced how it was to sleep in a hammock inside a boat. As we swayed from side to side waiting for the boat to depart, a soft and melodious song invaded our ears without asking for permission. In the background, someone was playing a zampoña a bamboo panpipe typical of the Peruvian Andes. Every now and then, the musician would take a break from the instrument and sing to the more than four hundred people on board. That young musician gladdened the hearts of travelers who were travelling so far, facing the dangers of the river.
At the end of each performance, he offered some CDs. It was his way of making a living. It was worth every penny. What is the price of a joyful and happy heart? If only all professions had this ability to bring joy and peace to sad and hopeless people in the world. The musician in this story is not rich, but he earns enough to do what he loves most: brighten the lives of travelers.
This experience made me reflect. What have we, as children of God, done to bring joy to those around us? In life, some “passengers” will only have contact with us once. How have we taken advantage of these opportunities? Have we been providing song or lament? Joy or pain? Peace or suffering? Tears or smile? Have we been sowing doubt or hope?
The Word of God encourages us to always have a song in our hearts. To sing with your voice and with your soul. To sing, even if there are not many reasons for it; to sing because we know that He has all things under His control.
A happy and willing heart will experience tranquility and peace. There is no more effective medicine. Cheerful people attract better friendships, enjoy more stable relationships, and tend to have fewer emotional illnesses. Sing from the heart and with joy. You will experience the power to chase away sadness and feel the happiness that comes from God.