28 September | Youth

Emojis Don't Pray

«God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.» John 4:24

The digital era, also known as the Third Industrial Revolution, came to transform our way of being, thinking, communicating, working and, why not, worshiping. Everything became easier, more accessible and faster, including religious practices. In order to shorten distances and to facilitate processes, the information age has diluted our experience with God and outsourced the experience of worship. I will explain with some examples.

A few years ago, when we went to church, we took our Bible, hymnal and the Sabbath School quarterly. While the pastor preached, we highlighted the biblical texts and wrote our personal impressions. Furthermore, in front of the church, there was a piano or some other musical instrument, which were played by “heroes” using sheet music. Currently, in many churches, there are no longer Bibles, pianos, or a musician, and the worship is the recording that comes out of the speakers.

Today, with easy access to digital platforms, we fill our time with Christian music and preaching that makes us laugh and cry. However, our worship has never been so superficial and our experience with God so fragile. We are addicted to ready-to-eat spiritual food (fast food), instead of pouring over the Word of God in search of satiety. We have an excess of information, but we lack wisdom. Looks like we are full. But in reality, we are hollow.

I am not against the use of technology, even in the church. However, it is worrying to see people using social media or other apps during worship. In the same way that some companies do not allow misuse of the internet during work hours, we should avoid these distractions in church.

God wants our experience with Him to be real, full and true. Be careful not to be a virtual believer! The world is already full of fallacies and fake news. Do not exchange socializing with your fellow church members for a computer screen. Do not replace your moments of communion with stickers. If someone asks you to pray, then pray! Remember, emojis do not pray. Playbacks do not praise. Cell phones do not say “amen.” God wants you to be a true and heartfelt worshiper.