13 October | Youth


«The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground.» Hebrews 11:38

Heroes changed the world and made history. How can we not be proud of the life of Nicholas Winton, who saved more than 600 children in World War II; Mother Teresa of Calcutta for her charitable work; Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King for their fight for racial equality; Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and so many others for the scientific advances that help us today? How can you not be inspired by these people and their achievements?

Unfortunately, nowadays, we are surrounded by more victims than heroes. There is a natural tendency towards victimization. People prefer to be victims and benefit from it in some way rather than perform acts of heroism. The result is obvious. Our society has become increasingly coward and fearful, far removed from the bravery and courage that marked the lives of great men of the past.

Many young people no longer care about being visionaries, idealists, changing the world or writing history. Unfortunately, some are satisfied with having a new cell phone, the newest video game and powerful internet. Being a hero and making a difference are things of the past.

In Hebrews 11, we find a list of true heroes. They were men that “the world was not worthy of.” The biography of these characters contrasts head-on with the spirit that predominates in the world today. We live surrounded by selfishness, greed and ingratitude. Our generation lacks heroism.

Although the great heroes of Hebrews 11 have made history, none of them compare to Jesus. He did not die to save one person, but to save the entire world; not to solve one cause, but the biggest problem of all time, which is sin. Jesus not only freed someone from death, but He defeated death forever. Get inspired by this Hero. He will put into your heart the true spirit of heroism, so rare in our day.