28 October | Youth
«Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.» Romans 12:2
The world is going through major transformations. Since the beginning of the digital era, in the mid-20 century, new technologies have changed the way we study, work, shop and interact. The “new” has become commonplace, the “beautiful” seems relative and the “present” lives out of touch with reality. What is interesting now, in an instant, becomes obsolete. And even if you do not want it, technology is there by your side, sometimes silently, involving every area of your day.
No one can deny that technology is a powerful tool. It makes our lives easier in many ways. With it, we can do anything from a bank transaction to vacuuming dust from the floor at home. Computers have shortened distances and simplified the execution of work. However, as we know, everything has a cost and brings consequences.
We need to understand that technology is not just a tool but has become an essential element of reality. It has even changed our way of relating to time and space. Want to see? A cell phone has the ability to bring close those who are far away and distance those who are close. We even sleep and wake up with it! We have become “multitasking” individuals, with a thousand and one things to solve at the same time.
It is as if technology wanted to give us omniscience and omnipresence. We lost track of space. Nowadays, relationships have become impersonal and, for many people, what really matters are the likes of “unknown friends.” If we stop to analyze, we will see that, in many cases, technology works based on Platonic philosophy. The body is no longer necessary; after all, almost everything today can be done without being physically present: study, worship, therapy, friendships, leisure. Where will we end up? Somewhere. In fact, we are already stuck in our armchairs and imaginary worlds.
I do not want to demonize technology. But understand that we are in a great controversy between good and evil and we need wisdom to live, think and choose. Critically observe the world around you. Make the most of your time with what is good, true and constructive. Use technology; do not allow yourself to be used by it.