10 February | Youth

The Weight of Youth

«It is good for a man to bear the yoke in his youth.» Lamentations 3:27

If you had two donkeys, an old one and a young one, which one would you put the heavier load on? Well, you might say that animals should not carry loads, or at least not continuously. Perhaps this is true in some cultures, but in others, animals are the only means of transporting people and cargo. Going back to our question, you could answer it in two ways: 1) you should put more weight on the oldest. He is already old, he would die soon and would not bring more expenses; or 2) you could be more human and put more weight on the younger one, because, in addition to having more strength, it would allow you to be more supportive of the old donkey that has carried heavy loads all its life. In most civilizations, the second option is the most coherent. Both for production income and for solidarity, the hardest work is for the youngest. This logic seems more sensible.

It is interesting to note that the church is one of the few communities that tends to reverse this logic. In the church, adults and elderly people often work more; they take on the greatest responsibilities; and, unbelievable as it may seem, in many cases they show more willingness to carry out the work. Why is that? Is the church underestimating the potential of young people or are young people not willing to take up the cross?

Following this logic, who should be willing to carry out the mission with more energy? Who should face the church’s greatest missionary challenges? Who should be spending more on God's work? Young people have everything to fulfill this role.

Although well-intentioned, some leaders contribute to young people not developing in the faith and service of Christ. Initiatives that prioritize entertainment more than spiritual nutrition in the Word contribute to youth not understanding their role in the mission.

It's good to work hard while we're young. At the peak of strength and vigor we must do our best. In Ecclesiastes 12:1 we read: “Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, before the difficult days come.” Do not wait for old age, don't wait for tomorrow. Choose to serve God today.