23 February | Youth
«The lamp of the body is the eye.» Matthew 6:22
Human behavior scholars have described pornography as the addiction of new generations. It not only affects young people, but also single and married adults, the elderly, teenagers, and children. Unfortunately, childhood has been haunted, in many cases, by the ghost of pornography. It stimulates sexuality ahead of time, accelerates the arrival of puberty and advances the beginning of sexual life.
In general, access to pornography takes place via cell phone, computer, and television. This harmful habit dis-torts a person’s relationship with sex. Addiction objectifies people and separates sexual pleasure from its essential counterpart: love. Having become numb by this practice, many people are unable to maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships. This habit destabilizes the couple, generates conflicts, cheating, and separations.
The porn industry generates billions of dollars every year. This wild market dehumanizes people on both sides of the screen. Actors and actresses are subjected to degrading practices, and the effect of this is the neutralization of fundamental relational virtues in the mind of those who consume it. These productions promote false standards of beauty, sexuality, and pleasure.
Pornography is present in the lives of many people. It causes addictive routines in the brain and releases dopamine as a reward for the habit, which creates almost automated pathways to addiction. Therefore, those who get used to consuming pornography always want more, for longer and with more intensity. In this sense, it is very similar to the addictive effect of drugs.
The Word of God advises us to radically distance ourselves from what is abominable in the eyes of God. Everything evil that enters through vision contaminates the mind and destroys life as a whole. The ex-ternal threats of sin put physical and emotional health, family, sobriety and good relationships with God and people at risk. Do not minimize the effect of pornography. It can destroy you and can also have a terrible effect on the lives of those under its influence. Take a firm stand not to contaminate yourself with it. Decide today that, no matter what happens, you will “set nothing wicked before [your] eyes;” (Ps. 101:3).