12 March | Youth
«Then she said to him, “How can you say, ‘I love you,’ […], and have not told me where your great strength lies.”» Judges 16:15
Love without commitment does not exist. It is a contradiction in terms. The idea of “free love” is unbiblical. Is “any form of love worth it”? No. Should I accept my beloved “with any mood, with any smile”? No. This is not love; it is something else. Beware of evil rhetoric. Before moving forward, ask yourself: What is the answer to the dilemma of unrequited love? What is the cure for the heart that never gives in completely? I will respond by telling you a true story.
The girl was pretty but unscrupulous. The boy, in turn, came from a good family and had a bright future in prospect. However, he was very headstrong. He thought that freedom is trying everything first and judging the merit of the experiences later. He considered himself intelligent, open-minded and was willing to “live life” enjoying the fact that he was healthy, attractive and strong. His father tried to advise him: “Son, don’t get involved with this girl!” To what he replied, “Dad, don’t worry; I know what I'm doing.”
Samson did not respect his father's authority, nor did he care about his mother's pleas (Judg 14:3). He was tough! However, he had a weak point: the tears of the women he was involved with. The first one cried and, for seven days, pestered Samson until he gave in. She then cheated on him, and everything ended badly. He lost her, and she married one of his friends, the guest of honor at the wedding. How ironic! Samson had committed to the girl, but she had not committed to him. That is the problem with love without commitment. Therefore, do not give yourself to someone who would never sacrifice themselves for you. And do not let yourself be carried away by a relationship that, from the beginning, you know has no future.
Samson did not learn his lesson. He repeated the mistake with Delilah, and she manipulated him in the same way as the other. The difference is that, this time, he would not escape. Be careful! Love without commitment kills! If the love that attracts you is just smoke without fire, a mirage without an oasis, a promise without foundation, then let it go politely! Run away.
Listen to the advice of those who have already demonstrated in many ways that they love you since you were born; of those who would give their lives in your favor, despite the mistakes you make. Yes, that is love.