Less-known Women of the Bible
(meaning “grace or gift of God”)
A woman who had been healed by Jesus, was the wife of Chuza, a steward of Herod Antipas. She helped to support Jesus, using her own resources (Luke 8:3). She was among the women who went to Jesus’ tomb, found it empty, and shared the incredible news with the disciples, along with Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of James. She may also have been “with the women” in the upper room after Jesus’ ascension (Acts 1:14). She was literally a “witness” to Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Like Joanna, women are called to be “witnesses” of Jesus’ life, followers of His will, and supporters of His ministry—independent of what their husbands may be called to do. God calls women to open their wounds for healing, to seek every day to understand Jesus’ life better, and find ways to build or support ministries that will spread the gospel to others.