Less-known Women of the Bible
Witch of Endor
A sorcerer or medium in the town of Endor who, at the request of King Saul of Israel, called up a ghost or spirit who appeared to be the deceased prophet Samuel. Several explanations are possible: or Samuel was actually present and was summoned either by the power of God or Satan; Samuel was not present and the voice and image were from another source. The text hints that the first is not true; that “Saul perceived that it was Samuel” (1 Sam. 28:14). Perceptions are easily misguided. Another text (1 Chr. 10:13, 14) condemned Saul for seeking this advice, so the apparition would not have been from God. This story reflects the desire of some to know what is hidden, going to great lengths to obtain that knowledge. Women find themselves on both sides of this story: either wishing to know what God has not revealed or giving advice that is not from God. Both are dangerous and represent the first sin. Parts of life simply cannot be known or understood. Sometimes women must wait in that uncomfortable place of not knowing, in order for God’s will or healing to be revealed. It is a place of faith, hope, and trust without having all the answers.