God’s purpose for you

Mirian Montanari Grüdtner

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your [b]reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” Rom 12:1-2

Answer this yourself: Do you know why you exist? For what purpose did God create you? Since the creation of the world, God had a great purpose in mind for the life of each of His creatures: that they would honor Him by being obedient, happy, joyful, and healthy.

But sin came, and disobedience, unhappiness, sadness, and disease came with it. Do you know what Satan’s greatest effort was? To make God’s children disobedient, unhappy, sick, sad, complainers and victims so that they would blame God and dishonor Him.

But God, so wise and merciful, does everything so that we can clearly perceive the conflict of good and evil and get on the right side and accept the process of regeneration. Then He turns our misfortunes into blessings by making us more open and sensitive to the growth He desires for us.

Have you ever experienced a crucial moment when nothing no longer makes sense, and death seemed the best remedy?

At the age of thirty, I went through that painful experience. At first, I doubted that God could exist, or even if He did, I believed He didn’t care about me. But He, in His surgical way, showed me everything I needed to find the meaning of life and become a better person. That is when I started writing books.

One of my favorite texts is in Romans 12: 1-2. These verses contain Apostle Paul’s call to offer our lives in sacrifice to the Lord. They propose an intentional, rational, and active life of relationship with God.

We have an invitation not to mold ourselves—that is—not to take the form of the world. It is an invitation to be different from what we are—to change the current mold and adopt the heavenly pattern. After this exhortation, there is a promise: to experience the good, acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Do you want to experience this good, acceptable, and pleasing will? Offer yourself to God as a living sacrifice and never accept to be molded by the earthly form. Strive each day to think about the One who brings about complete regeneration. In this way, you will fulfill God’s purpose for your life.