

Consecration is committing or giving of oneself fully to God. It is choosing Him above all things.

Two sisters, Mary and Martha—we know their story well. Both loved Jesus, yet only Mary knew what it meant to consecrate herself fully to Him. While busy preparing their home for Jesus, Mary left what she was doing to sit at Jesus’ feet. Still in the kitchen, and frantic about what had to be done, Martha approached Jesus and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” (Luke 10:40, NIV).

Jesus’ answer is unexpected, as it so often is. Martha, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one” (verse 41, NIV).

Many times we strive to be like Martha, preparing our lives to be with Jesus someday. But, like Martha, we miss the point. Too often, when we are wrapped up trying our best to live for Jesus, we miss out in being with Him.

A fully consecrated life is spent with Jesus all the time—making Him our partner and letting Him lead. It is through Jesus’ daily presence in our lives that we are able to love, to serve, and to let our joy overflow.